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Friday, October 28, 2011

185 Votes

185 Votes in the end. That's 185 more than I expected.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tonight with Vincent Browne Last Night

I was on Tonight with Vincent Brown last night. Managed to get my message out, Don't just vote for me, bet on me. I still have great odds with Paddy Power at 100 to 1. (Dropped for 200 to 1).

A tenner tomorrow will give you a nice comfy Christmas. Empower and enable yourselves. It's not often that the horse gets to speak. This horse is saying, bet on me, then vote for me and clear a tidy sum. You determine the outcome of the race, not the horse. Use politics your way. It's all to play for and it's in your hands.

Phoenix FM Debate

I attended the community radio debate on Phoenix FM 92.5 during the week. McNulty, McGuinness, O'Gorman, Kidd, O Ceallaigh and myself were in attendance.

Again, I'd like to take this opportunity to encourage the people of Dublin West to listen to the logic behind my reasoning and to truly consider putting a colourful alternative into the Dail as their representative.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

1st Day Canvassing

Hi all,

Well, yesterday was my first day out at the doors after I decided to put myself forward on the ballot. Interesting and very mixed responses. Braved staunch Sinn Fein areas but reckon I turned a few. Worth noting it was raining hard yet that didn't stop me canvassing unlike McGuinness or Loftus (neither of which have touched Blanch West)

Only 16 days left so lets throw the kitchen sink at it. Anyone wishing to accompany me on the hustings, please drop me a line.

Water Contamination Public Meeting

I attended a public Meeting in Tyrrelstown last night on the contamination of public water. Interesting to note that none of the elected representatives or Dublin West nominated candidates from any of the major political parties showed up. To think that these are the very people who want to charge us in the new year for this sub standard product. I made some interesting points, won a few people over. Although I may need to rethink my use of visual aids.


The U.S. and Shannon Public Meeting

Attended a meeting opposing the US occupancy of Shannon. It is great to see so many people interested in this sensitive issue. Many interesting ideas. My brother in law made a very good and valid point... if were giving the US the use of Shannon, surely we should be giving the Iraqi's the use of Knock?

Fianna Fail Ard Fheis

Attended the Fianna Fail Ard Fheis. Meet some very interesting people. A great night was had by all. Brian and Mary were in flying form.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Local Meeting

I attended a meeting in a certain locality that discussed local issues and local grievances. I've attended other local meetings similar to this one in other localities and I have to say, this local meeting was very similar to other local meetings, in that, there were people there (chair people) who were angry at other people (table people) however the other people (table people) were only able to fain interest with a mild whiff of questionable empathy towards the people (chair people).

It's time to wake up people, they don't have the answers or solutions. They are just good at tricking us. Lets sort things out amongst ourselves.

That said, I did let Sean Haughey and Ivor Callelly know in no uncertain terms my views on crooked dog wardens who plant dog shit in parks.

Mountview Community Centre Meeting

I attended a public meeting in Blanchardstown to discuss the building of the Mountview Community Centre. Minister varadkar was in attendance. Ruth Coppinger and various councillors chaired the meeting.

Public anger was palpable, and in fairness, it wasn't misplaced. Millions has been squandered over the years and the good people of Mountview have been campaigning for their duly deserved and long awaited community centre for close to 10 years. Generations of children have come and gone in this time. After speaking with the residents, I will be making the facilitation of social amenities paramount in my election manifesto. We the people require and are entitled to recreational spaces. It's as simple as that. It's out tax money, let us spend it how we want. Give us our centre Minister Varadkar.


I was given the opportunity to many a few key points

Minister Varadkar listening to some of my views.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Ireland Can Do Better Public Meeting

I was in Diswellstown last night at a public meeting focusing on our children's education. In these austere times, it is imperative that we do not start making deep irreversible cuts to the things that matter, namely, the kids and the handicapped. I made an empassioned and emploring speech to Minister Burton to avoid such action. Her rebuttal was measured and weighted but lacked conviction. When asked bluntly 'Will you be cutting more SNA budgets in the Dublin West district?', her reply was wishy washy. Minister Burton, we have given you an influencial platform to represent us, please don't forget that.