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Friday, February 25, 2011

Ghusto's Gone International

Meet with a lovely French reporter at the weekend who did a write up on myself and Bobby. For those of you who are interested, here's the article below mes ami.

AFP Article on Terry and Bobby

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Meet the People

I got to meet some very interesting people on the streets yesterday. Held a fish, cut some meat, juggled a few apples, but got pelted with a pepper :(

My thanks to Bobby for organising and managing a tight schedule.

Go Ghusto on the 27th!


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Few Pointers from Tubs

I was lucky enough to meet with Ryan Tubridy recently. He was kind enough to give me a few pointers on how to handle the media and self publicise. I've been told there's a resemblance?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Public Meeting Tuesday 15th February 2011

Dear residents,

I will be holding a public meeting on Tuesday the 14th February in my living room in Griffith Close at 8pm. We will be discussing some of the local issues within the neighbourhood. The meeting is entitled 'Making Change'. All interested attendees should email me on the internet ( and i will make sure you have a seat, a cup of tea or a can of Hackenberg. Hope to see you there!. TG

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Student Fees Protest

Well, I finally got around to developing my photos from the day of the student protest. It was a fantastic day of demonstration. Thanks to all for coming out, especially at such short notice. I appreciate it.

To give you an update on my progress, I have been in touch with all the student unions including USI (Union of Students Ireland) and I will be making representations on their behalf to the next Minister of Finance in relation to the non implementation of student fees. Will keep you abreast of my progress.